VT Domains

Safe web publishing and hosting for Virginia Tech students and faculty

Welcome to VT Domains

VT Domains is a program at Virginia Tech aiming to offer flexible hosting and publishing solutions to students and faculty. The program is designed to empower students by giving them their own platform in which to publish content without handing it over to third-party publishers. Students have the freedom to keep their hosting solution independently by moving to an affordable Reclaim hosting package once they graduate.

Web Literacy

Master the tools and technology that make up the web to build your own space online.

Digital Identity

Explore the notion of digital identity and how publishing on the web can frame an identity.

Reclaim Ownership

Learn to take ownership and control over the content you put on the web instead of handing it to third-party publishers.

This program also provides opportunities for faculty to engage their students with learning activities that require publishing or web hosting by providing easy-to-use tools and quick access to hosting capabilities. Each faculty member and student can have their own hosting package where they can host files, web development projects, or applications like WordPress.

How can I participate?

Click the login button below in order to make a request for a domain. The administrative team will review your request for approval and you should receive a response within a business day. Please note that approvals may be limited due to availability.

If you would like to speak with someone from the Library or from TLOS about the VT Domains program or how our webhosting and blogging services can fit into your course, you can request a consultation using the link below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this program for?

This program is for currently enrolled faculty, staff, and students. It is meant to offer a safe space for students and faculty to host their web content. That content can include blogs, custom websites, LAMP-based web applications and custom developed LAMP-based applications.

What happens when I leave the university?

Within 90 days of leaving the university, participants will have the option of seamlessly switching their account to a paid account with Reclaim Hosting. Their hosting packages start as low as $30/year.

How does the signup process work?

You can use our interest form to express interest in participating in the program. Space is limited, so some preference is being given to courses that intend to use hosting platforms as part of their course content in an ongoing basis.

What can I use my domain for?

You can use your domain for any content related to your academic activities. This could include, blogging for courses, personal portfolios, web development, web application hosting, or sits for campus organizations among other options. Some activities are not permitted such as e-commerce. All VT Domains content is governed by the universities acceptable use policy.

How much does it cost?

Participating in the VT Domains program is free. If you would like to keep your account after you leave the university, your hosting package can seamlessly be converted to a paid package with Reclaim Hosting starting as low as $30/year.

What apps can I host?

Any LAMP-stack-based web applications (Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP). Your hosting account features a ‘cPanel’ that has many one-click applications that can be installed such as WordPress or Omeka.

Can I host files on my domain?

You can host files on your domain, but the current limit on storage for each domain is 1 gigabyte.

Can I use this for web development?

Yes. The domains are suitable for LAMP-stack (Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP) web development or for creating custom HTML/CSS/Javascript websites.

What are the technical limits of the hosting package?

More information coming soon.

How do I get help with my website?

Reclaim Hosting will provide all technical support for any issues with your domain. You can request help through various methods such as email or through your cPanel. TLOS and the Library can also offer guidance to faculty and staff through consultations and to students groups through workshops.
